
目前顯示的是 7月, 2007的文章

吃人蜘蛛(camel spider)? 你誤會了! 是假的!!

謠言: "它咬你時,你會被注入一種麻醉劑,因此你會很快的陷入麻痺,失去知覺當你在睡覺時,你甚至會不知道你被咬了,所以你醒來的時候會發現自己某部分的腿或者手臂已經不見了,因為已經被蜘蛛們整晚慢慢的啃斷掉了" 踢爆: 但告訴你這都是一個騙局而已, 這不過是一頭普通的蜘蛛... 更沒有傳聞說的那麼可怕, 這頭蜘蛛竟不會咬人, 也不會向你注射麻醉劑... 想知道這頭到底是什麼東東? 以下的資料就說明得一清二楚: (* 轉貼新浪網奇聞異事BBS-討論板 *) 正確的說,並不能算是蜘蛛,牠是屬於蛛形綱( aracnida )避日目( solifugae ),夜行性,沒有毒線,龐大的大顎是用來咀嚼(好像是)獵物的。圖上的動物應該是屬蛛形綱避日目的節肢動物,避日目身體最長的紀錄為7.4公分, 而圖片中的個體 長度估計約為7~10公分 (以手掌來推估), 雖較一般個體長,但是也在正常的範圍內。 根據資料,這一個族群已知有12個科、約1000種,很多網友提供的資料裡,有提到的埃及毛爪避日蛛(Galeodes granti),也是這個家族裡的一員,不過體長只有4厘米。總而言之,圖上的動物並不是什麼未知的大蜘蛛,就算在沙漠中看到了,也不用擔心你會跑不贏牠,更不用擔心這種小動物有能力吃掉你,或是讓你中毒。生物分布範圍:東和西半球的沙漠 生物特性: 1. Camel spiders top speed - 10 mph. 2. Size: Up to 6 inches 3. They have no venom. 4. They don't jump. 5. Called camel spiders because they live in the desert. 到底有發生關於這camel spider的新聞嗎? 有的,僅有一則 "While working for Al Salam Aircraft company in Riyadh, 2002- 2003 (I left after the Jadawel Compound bombing) we had many run ins with camel spiders in the hanger areas and out in the aircraft run areas. I admit th...


科科!我來介紹一部好看的Sci Fi.......他是一部英國片Doctor Who的分支。本人還沒看過Doctor Who所以先不提! 簡介 Established by Queen Victoria after an extra-terrestrial incursion on British soil in 1879. Based deep within the Hub, housed under 21st century Cardiff Bay, Torchwood is a repository for the accumulation and safe keeping of alien artefacts and beings that emerge via the Rift - an invisible but powerful tear in the fabric of reality. Earth’s first line of defence, the Torchwood team protects humanity from dangers threatening it, both from beyond the Rift and closer to home in a century where everything changes. Torchwood is led by Captain Jack Harkness, who knows that everything they discover is invaluable for mankind to survive what he believes is coming... 1. TorchWood in wiki 2. IMDB 3. Torchwood institute 目前撥出 Series I 1 Everything Changes 2 Day One 3 Ghost Machine 4 Cyberwoman 5 Small Worlds 6 Countrycide 7 Greeks Bearing Gifts 8 They Keep Killing Suzie 9 Random Shoes 10 Out of Time 11 Combat 12 Captain Jack H...

Ancient Megaflood Made Britain an Island, Study Says

Hello there, My friends. This is an interesting story, which i saw this at national geography website. Now, I am shearing to everyone.... Ancient Megaflood Made Britain an Island, Study Says Kate Raviliousfor National Geographic News July 18, 2007 A flood of biblical proportions cut the British Isles off from mainland Europe sometime between 450,000 and 200,000 years ago, according to a new study. The research, based on three-dimensional sonar mapping of the English Channel, provides the strongest evidence yet that a catastrophic megaflood broke a land bridge that once connected what is now Britain and France. "It is probably one of the largest floods ever identified," said Phillip Gibbard, a geographer at the University of Cambridge who wasn't involved in the study. At its peak, the flood would have discharged water at a rate of about 264 million gallons (a million cubic meters) a second, gushing at speeds of up to 62 miles (100 kilometers) an hour, the researchers say....

變形金剛 (Transformers)

Director: Michael Bay Writers (WGA) : Roberto Orci (screenplay) & Alex Kurtzman (screenplay) Release Date:28 June 2007 (Taiwan) Genre: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Sci-Fi / Thriller Company: DreamWorks SKG Language: English 內容簡介: 著名電視影集變形金剛真人版在遙遠的宇宙中一顆星球上,生活著一種稱為『變形金剛』的機器生命體,他們在演化中分成了崇尚正義和平及殘暴侵略成性的兩派。 兩軍之間進行了數百萬年的戰爭,幾乎耗盡了星球上所有的能源。正義領袖決定率領族人前往宇宙中尋找新的家園,但邪惡首領卻尾隨而至,雙方戰艦意外地墜毀在地球上。數百萬年後,因火山爆發而重新啟動的主電腦,分別依照汽車和飛行器的形象改造雙方。於是,戰爭重新在地球上展開… 導演麥可貝每個鏡頭至少都要拍三次以上,而且連掉落的一磚一瓦都會親自佈置補強。本片去年八月底在洛杉磯市區大手筆封街拍戲,拍攝前所有飾演軍隊的演員都在大熱天全副武裝預備,路面堆滿大型鋼筋、碎石與多台翻覆的汽車,爆破小組也在一旁待命。 特別的是,有一幕當導演喊「ACTION」時,火球瞬間爆炸,原以為是圍觀的路人,竟然都是臨時演員,一時間都朝既定方向尖叫狂奔,數一數大約有上百位,場面壯觀。而片中從「變形金剛」變身前的炫麗改裝車,大約數十台停在特別的停車場內,陣仗更是驚人,每一台造型都獨一無二。 大型場面戲從中東卡達沙漠戰場打到美國都市叢林、從飛車追逐的高速公路殺到壯觀的胡佛水壩,把現代機械文明發揮到極致。尤其車輛、飛機等以時速85英哩(約136.8公里)的速度剎那間變身為高聳的機器巨人,更讓人看得目瞪口呆。 電影中出現的機器人包括有博派首領柯博文、博派爵士、博派飛輪、狂派首領密卡登、天王星、轟天雷等,其中博派的大黃蜂不但是席亞李畢夫生平第一部車子,耍寶、打鬥樣樣行,還一路生死相隨,有情有義。 至於狂派機器人則狂性大發,變身使出機關槍、利爪、飛彈發射器、尖刺等武器,火力全開,甚至可隱身為手機,肆機而動,殺傷力之猛讓美國國防部、FBI都出動調查反擊。機器人搏命演出間,由車廠設計贊助的全新車款如經典雪佛蘭Ca...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (哈利波特5:鳳凰會的密令)

Director: David Yates Writers (WGA) : Michael Goldenberg (screenplay) J.K. Rowling (novel) Release Date:11 July 2007 (Taiwan) ....... more Genre: Adventure / Drama / Family / Fantasy Cast:丹尼爾雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe、魯柏格林 Rupert Grint、愛瑪華森 Emma Watson、瑪姬史密斯 Maggie Smith、艾瑪湯普遜 Emma Thompson( 魔法保姆麥克菲 )、茱莉亞華茲 Julie Walters、瑞秋葛瑞菲絲 Richard Griffiths........ more Offical website: http://harrypotter.warnerbros.com/ Company: Warner Bros. Pictures 劇情簡介: 哈利波特系列電影第五集《哈利波特5:鳳凰會的密令》,可以說是哈利波特在霍格華茲最痛苦的一年,除了課業上與日俱增的壓力,少年哈利情竇初開之外,還有更緊湊的劇情張力和魔法挑戰,究竟哈利波特和他的朋友們能否再次化險為夷,全身而退? 佛地魔又回來了!哈利波特額頭上的傷疤再度劇烈地灼痛,黑暗魔法的陰影籠罩大地,最害怕的事情終於又不可避免地發生了,然而學校卻不理會哈利波特的警告…哈利波特進入霍格華茲第五個學年之際,驚覺魔法界大多數的成員都不肯相信他,當哈利波特發現佛地魔王重返大地,大家卻寧可漠視邪惡勢力回來的事實。 在霍格華茲的魔法學校中,一場官僚奪權之爭正在檯面下隱隱浮動,魔法部的部長康尼留斯夫子,深恐校長阿不思鄧不利多宣布佛地魔回來,是為了削弱他的權力和解除他的職務,於是指派一位新的黑魔法防禦術老師,隨時監視鄧不利多和霍格華茲的學生。哈利波特和鄧不利多被捲入其中,整間魔法學園將陷入混亂之中,一連串地痛苦磨難考驗著他們。 然而,桃樂絲恩不里居教授的防禦術課程,卻無法讓小魔法師們對抗那個威脅他們和整個魔法界的黑魔法,因此在好友妙麗和榮恩的鼓勵之下,哈利決定出手解決問題。哈利秘密集結了一小群學生,自封為「鄧不利多的軍隊」,教他們如何防禦自己,對抗黑魔法,協助這些勇敢的小魔法師準備好,迎接眼前困難...

Asgard (我喜歡的種族)

科科 我會喜歡這外型的外星人都是因為以前很喜歡 The X Files 的關係啦.......XD Species 簡述一下這種族 The Asgard possess a considerably higher level of technology than the Goa'uld, and is now equal or even superior to the Ancients in a few fields . All Asgard technology is dependent on neutronium. Asgard Homeworld They do not reproduce in the strictest sense; continuity as a species is maintained through a process of cloning and mind transferral, although this has resulted in a decay of the Asgard genome. While the Asgard maintain a large fleet of ships with defensive capabilities, as a whole they are not a militaristic race, and they strongly disapprove of the use of technology for aggressive purposes. Othala (original), Orilla (destroyed) All of the Asgard's technology was shared by their primary adversary, the Replicators (The Replicators were continually scavenging technology, especially from the Asgard as they were the most advanced in their galaxy). All Asgard technology now belongs to the Tau'ri, ...

Stargate-SG1 Final (Unending)

My God, SG1已經結束了,長達10年。也該是時候了 雖然我不是在一開始就看,是最近幾個月才知道,好在有PPS,所以能夠在幾個月內拼完。 內容 Aboard the Odyssey, SG-1 and Gen. Landry answer a summons to the Asgard galaxy. There, SG-1's old friend Thor announces that his people are dying of an incurable disease. Before they suffer this extinction, they wish to bequeath all their advanced knowledge to Earth by installing technology and libraries aboard the Odyssey. After the Asgard finish this solemn task, Ori warships harry the Odyssey throughout its trip back to the Milky Way. They attack repeatedly, and even Asgard weaponry can't defend the Earth ship forever. Nonetheless, SG-1 and Landry decide to fight for the precious legacy that the Odyssey now carries. They beam the rest of the crew down to a planet to 'gate home, then join in battle with their pursuers. All too soon, the Odyssey's shields fail. With a killer blast from an Ori ship incoming, Carter desperately activates an Asgard time-dilation field. The Ori blast seems to fr...

Watch this!! You can save yourself

Hi all friends and travellers in this blog I saw these interesting articles on discovery channel and these are very helpfull. I would like to shear to everyone. There are some example scenarios: When It's a Bear, Don't Stare Rule No. 1 when you're hiking in bear country: make noise. Most bear attacks occur when hikers stumble upon and surprise a bear, often a mother and her cubs. Don't think they'll be easy to spot; even huge grizzlies can conceal themselves in the brush or the high grass of meadows. If you see a bear, fight the urge to run. Repeat after me: You can't outrun a bear. Bears can sprint for short distances at speeds up to 56km/h! And don't assume you can escape by climbing a tree. That only works if you have enough time to climb at least 10m high. Black bears are good climbers and grizzlies can climb at least partway up a tree. And if you're near water, e.g., a lake or river, don't get in the water and try to swim away from the bear. T...


想知道關於這些先人的事情,可以觀看這幾集的單元劇 Stargate Atlantis (Pegasus Galaxy) Season I: SANCTUARY BEFORE I SLEEP Season II: AURORA Season III: THE RETURN, PART 1 Stargate-SG1 (Milky Way) Frozen The Pegasus Project The Fourth Horseman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ancients在星際之門會常常被提到,但是都是很陌生的。只知道他們崇尚升天(crossover!?),追求精神上的寄託。在SG1提到的比較少,反而注重在和地球上的神祇相關的探討。但是在Atlantis就很多啦,因為一開始就跟他脫離不了關係,原因是他是經由Stargate: "Lost city"延伸出來。拭去探討Ancients和Atlantis的關連,所以劇中有較多探討。大家可以看我講的單元去看看。這是很有趣的主題喔。 Ancients整理 Races Ancients, ATA gene Tech Wraith technology, City of Atlantis, more but not available Enemy Replicators, Wraiths More........see this under http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_characters_in_Stargate