Asgard (我喜歡的種族)

科科 我會喜歡這外型的外星人都是因為以前很喜歡 The X Files 的關係啦.......XD


The Asgard possess a considerably higher level of technology than the Goa'uld, and is now equal or even superior to the Ancients in a few fields . All Asgard technology is dependent on neutronium.

They do not reproduce in the strictest sense; continuity as a species is maintained through a process of cloning and mind transferral, although this has resulted in a decay of the Asgard genome. While the Asgard maintain a large fleet of ships with defensive capabilities, as a whole they are not a militaristic race, and they strongly disapprove of the use of technology for aggressive purposes.

All of the Asgard's technology was shared by their primary adversary, the Replicators (The Replicators were continually scavenging technology, especially from the Asgard as they were the most advanced in their galaxy). All Asgard technology now belongs to the Tau'ri, a gift given to them before self-destructing their homeworld to avoid their death by the hands of a plague and Ori invasion.


The Asgard language is considered to have influenced the formation of the Germanic languages. Their written language is runic in styling, and the Norse inherited it from them. This is slightly inaccurate since Germanic is considered a direct derivative of the Indo-Iranian languages.

In Stargate Atlantis, the Asgard Hermiod speaks infrequently in Asgard, which is simply English speech played backwards. This is a trait seen exclusively from Hermiod, and all other Asgard speech in the Stargate universe is not a reverse of English.

Asgard as Deific Benefactors to Humanity

As the Goa'uld posed as gods from the pantheons of many mythologies in order to enslave humanity, members of the Asgard race positioned themselves as deities to the Norse in order to give them a moral code and guide their development. They used human-form holograms as their façades. The name of their species came to mean the home of the gods: Asgaard, connected to Midgaard, the world of men, by a rainbow bridge.



HomeworldOthala (original), Orilla (destroyed)
Prior AlliancesFour Great Races, Protected Planets Treaty
Alliances as of season 10Earth

Technology of Asgard

1. Auto-Dialer

2. Asgard weapons

3. Central Asgard Computer Core

4. Beaming technology

5. Cloning
6. Holographic technology
7. Hyperdrive

8. Mind-Transferal System

9. Mind-Transferal System
10. Replicator Disrupter Satellite
11. Sensors

12. Shields

13. Starships

14. Thor's Hammer
detali in:


Want to know more:


Traditional appearance

ThorGod of ThunderPowerful Viking (Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet)
HeimdallGuardian of Bifrost BridgePowerful Viking (Scientist)
LokiGod of MischiefWeak, cunning man; capable of shape-shifting (Rogue geneticist)
AegirLord of the SeaGiant (Commander of the Valhalla who orchestrated the defense of the new Asgard homeworld, Orilla)
KvasirGod of wisdomPowerful Viking (Scientist)
Hermiod Messenger of the GodsPowerful Viking (Enginner)
FreyrMale fertility GodPowerful Viking (Member of the Asgard High Council)




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