吃人蜘蛛(camel spider)? 你誤會了! 是假的!!


"它咬你時,你會被注入一種麻醉劑,因此你會很快的陷入麻痺,失去知覺當你在睡覺時,你甚至會不知道你被咬了,所以你醒來的時候會發現自己某部分的腿或者手臂已經不見了,因為已經被蜘蛛們整晚慢慢的啃斷掉了" <如左圖>


但告訴你這都是一個騙局而已, 這不過是一頭普通的蜘蛛... 更沒有傳聞說的那麼可怕, 這頭蜘蛛竟不會咬人, 也不會向你注射麻醉劑... 想知道這頭到底是什麼東東? 以下的資料就說明得一清二楚: (*轉貼新浪網奇聞異事BBS-討論板*)

正確的說,並不能算是蜘蛛,牠是屬於蛛形綱(aracnida)避日目(solifugae),夜行性,沒有毒線,龐大的大顎是用來咀嚼(好像是)獵物的。圖上的動物應該是屬蛛形綱避日目的節肢動物,避日目身體最長的紀錄為7.4公分, 而圖片中的個體長度估計約為7~10公分(以手掌來推估), 雖較一般個體長,但是也在正常的範圍內。 根據資料,這一個族群已知有12個科、約1000種,很多網友提供的資料裡,有提到的埃及毛爪避日蛛(Galeodes granti),也是這個家族裡的一員,不過體長只有4厘米。總而言之,圖上的動物並不是什麼未知的大蜘蛛,就算在沙漠中看到了,也不用擔心你會跑不贏牠,更不用擔心這種小動物有能力吃掉你,或是讓你中毒。生物分布範圍:東和西半球的沙漠

1. Camel spiders top speed - 10 mph.
2. Size: Up to 6 inches
3. They have no venom.
4. They don't jump.
5. Called camel spiders because they live in the desert.

到底有發生關於這camel spider的新聞嗎?

"While working for Al Salam Aircraft company in Riyadh, 2002- 2003 (I left after the Jadawel Compound bombing) we had many run ins with camel spiders in the hanger areas and out in the aircraft run areas. I admit that my first encounter with one scared the hell out of me but it got to be routine. Some were relatively small, others fairly large, all were aggressive like nothing I have ever seen. They would come in, mostly on night shift, walking right up the middle of the hanger. We couldn't take a broom, or anything else, and try to push them out as they would turn aggressive and attack whatever we would use so we finally started keeping coffee cans, and other containers, around and just trapped them and took them out to the fence line and let them go. Of course some did not want to be trapped and we would then introduce them to the "Smash factor" but what a mess that made.

Luckily we had no one bitten, American or Saudi, but there were the usual close calls since we had to start checking everything we opened, carefully, for any intruders. I hope I never run into one of those nasty little buggers again. They must be what B sci-fi movie producers had in mind when they were making all those movies in the 50's."

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solifugae
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arachnid
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOXvdfcct8g
4. http://www.ngensis.com/spider.htm
5. http://insects.tamu.edu/extension/bulletins/ent2.html




象山事件 懶人包
