Danger 50000 volts
Danger! 50,000 Volts! is a 2002 British television programme written and presented by Nick Frost, which presented viewers with various life-threatening scenarios and suggested ways out of these situations. The show was a spoof of the outdoors survival genre in which survival experts demonstrated how to improvise solutions to dangerous problems. A feature of the series was the clever and humorous use of 'danger' iconography in the graphic design of segment titles, further identifying the show with the British tradition of stoic resolve in the face of (comically) overwhelming odds. In the DVD release of the programme, a 30 minute spin-off episode called Danger! 50,000 Zombies! is included as an extra. This episode saw Frost paired up with Dr. Russell Fell, (played by Simon Pegg, who Frost co-starred with in the zombie film Shaun of the Dead, and more recently Hot Fuzz) as they dealt with the situation of a zombie outbreak and what one should 'do' in this situation.
Zombies 1
看到Part 1裡5:59的地方,大吃一驚.....果然是特典!!\囧>
4.2 Nick Frost