Weapons in stargate: Part II

Kull Warrior

A Kull Warrior (aka Super Soldier, Drone Warrior) was a new kind of foot soldier developed by Anubis to replace the Jaffa in his service.


A model of the full size 9mm semi-automatic Beretta pistol is the standard sidearm of SGC personnel. The Beretta is often worn as a secondary weapon by SG team members when going offworld. Unless a mission is primarily for battle, Daniel Jackson does not carry a firearm other than his Beretta. His year long replacement on the team, Jonas Quinn, did the same. Teal'c often does not carry a Beretta, opting instead to carry a zat'nik'tel as his sidearm.

Goa'uld Pain Stick
The pain stick is a Goa'uld device that uses electrical energy to torture victims when it comes into physical contact with them. Anyone can use the technology.




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