



In the Atlantis control room, Dr. Weir and Colonel Sheppard observe a M.A.L.P transmission through an open wormhole. The probe has been sent to a world recently discovered in an off-world database. Someone speaks into the camera warning them to stay away if they are up to no good -- or to come as friends.Eager to trade with a seemingly advanced civilization, Dr. Weir decides that it is appropriate for her to join the away mission and gears up. Once through, the team find themselves in an exact duplicate of the Atlantis Gate room. Turning, they look through the Stargate to see, not a stained glass wall, but a lengthy corridor connecting to an endless city. Intrigued, they wait until approached by a man, Niam. He invites them to come and meet the leader. Oberoth is unimpressed and haughty. An offer of trade and a possible alliance is met with immediate rejection. He thinks the Asurans are enough advanced that they don’t need anything from Atlantis. Dr. Weir has already witnessed a giant city that far exceeds Atlantis in size and design. It is obvious that these are extremely advanced people. Weir soon learns from Niam that the Asurans can easily manufacture Z.P.M.s which are necessary to power Atlantis and its shield.

Oberoth admits to powering their city with the Z.P.M. technology since they split from the Lanteans. In the hopes of obtaining a Z.P.M., Weir explains their struggle against the Wraith. Oberoth imperiously informs her that the Asurans will deal with the Wraith at a time of their choosing, without regard to the plight of Atlantis or any other Pegasus inhabitants.Angered, Dr. Weir decides to terminate negotiations. But the group is detained as they near the Stargate. They are imprisoned and interrogated. Oberoth wants information about the whereabouts and operations of Atlantis. These people are human-form Replicators who stick their hands in the heads of each team member to extract information. Like the human-form Replicators SG-1 have met ("Unnatural Selection") the process is painful and involves realistic hallucinations to elicit information. Each team member has a different encounter. McKay realizes who and what the creatures are and informs the group.Oberoth has decided to terminate the Atlanteans, but Niam insists there is still much they can learn from them. Assuring his subordinate that their actions are not only Niam's responsibility, Oberoth allows them to be freed.

With no way to escape, the team is surprised when Niam arrives to offer a deal. The Asurans mimic their creators, the Ancients, so exactly that some want to achieve ascension. Since they were created to fight the Wraith, they have aggressive programming which Niam believes is the stumbling block to achieving true enlightenment. Worse, the Asurans cannot reprogram their basic code, an Ancient fail-safe. With several powered Z.P.M.s Atlantis can fly and power its shield and engines. The Asuran city's replica of the city separates from the umbilical arm and launches into space. Oberoth intends to destroy Atlantis as a final revenge against the Ancients. Meanwhile, Niam takes Dr. Weir into an hallucination, explaining his people's history. She learns that the Ancients created the machines to be a weapon against the Wraith. But eventually, the time came when the they decided to erase that mistake by raining fire upon the civilization via Ancient warships.

Niam asks Dr. McKay to reprogram him to be less aggressive in return for his actions to save the team and the real Atlantis. McKay agrees and manages to find the way to reprogram Niam, who will then update the other’s programming via the Asurans' wireless network (much like the way modern Replicators communicate). However, the deception is discovered. But McKay has also found the means to temporarily "freeze" the Replicators who have not been updated.Dr. Weir orders McKay to destroy the city. Unfortunately the only way to do it quickly is to overload every Z.P.M., making it impossible to take any back to Atlantis. They steal a Puddle Jumper, just as the city explodes in Lantian orbit.Atlantis now faces and even greater threat than the Wraith: sophisticated human-form Replicators.
- L. Dolgin

我覺得這時期的Replicators有一些人性化,就是Human-form Replicators,一開始是在SG1發現的,之後就交給Asgard處理;但是,沒有處理得當,就造成Asgard的威脅,映象中是滅族(這我要查一下)。不多說那些歷史,在Atlantis的是稱作Asurans。這些人,應該說類人類,會攻擊Atlantis是因為這座城市的之前主人是製造他們的基地,他們很不喜歡這些Ancients放棄他們,想要報復。這就是這些事件的濫觴了。不是針對地球人。也接者產生"The Return Part 2"和第三季末的故事了。不曉得以後的劇情會不會有他們繼續搗亂。感覺上他們不是以侵略為目的的一方。很期待第四季這些Replicators的發展。
但是他們有很特殊的功能,可以取代活生生人類的有機組織,轉換成機械。在The real world(Season 3-06)中有。

Asurans和Atlantis關係圖( Pegasus Galaxy)

幾百萬年以前的Ancients製造human-form Replicators (Asurans),沒有戰爭用途了(放棄) -->
地球人意外發現他們 --> Asurans發現地球人居住在Atlantis --> 堅持要摧毀


一開始有Replicators是在Stargate-SG1 Season IIIx22(Nemesis),一個新的種族,都造成人類和Goa'uld的危害。一般是長的如右圖所示。他的生物行為是

"Replicators are driven solely by their desire to create more of themselves, and their intergalactic storm of conquest was originally based solely upon this desire. Replicators can form raw materials into new blocks, although the quality of the replicated blocks is based in part on what raw materials are available.

All Replicators exhibit the ability and desire to rapidly absorb any superior technologies they encounter, often passing up familiar or less advanced technology in order to acquire more advanced technology. They incorporate new alien technology into their currently existing store of knowledge, and constantly improve their combat and scientific abilities as they do so."


The Replicators were originally created by a gynoid (a female android) named Reese, who had been constructed by an advanced human culture in the Milky Way. Apparently, Reese created the first Replicators as "toys" under her direct control. But when the citizens of her world became aware of the capabilities of the Replicators, they were alarmed and claimed she was "built wrong". Out of fear of being destroyed, she instructed her toys to protect themselves and their creator (self-preservation) and to make more of themselves (replication). However, the Replicators soon became too numerous to completely control, and escaped her dominance. In the end, they destroyed all society on her world, presumably by converting every usable substance into Replicator blocks. Reese escaped the catastrophe by "going to sleep", putting herself in stasis. Eventually, the Replicators discovered a way to leave this galaxy, and travelled to the Ida galaxy, home of the Asgard, who discovered them on an abandoned planet. When the Asgard realised the danger the Replicators posed, they tried to destroy the scourge, but the machines adapted to the weapons the Asgard used to destroy them.


Standard Replicators(mechanical Replicator )在入侵Thor's飛行船裡和飛往地球方向,被SG-1用naqahdah炸彈摧毀船艦和在地球大氣層燃燒(見Nemesis" (Stargate SG-1) 和Small Victories" (Stargate SG-1) ) --> 1年後發現Reese(送給Asgard處裡) --> Replicators還是找到Reese's body,轉型成 cellular blocks based --> human-form Replicators [在SG1出現的human-form Replicators 有八種 ( )] --> 產生Fifth --> Replicator Disruptor (SG1)摧毀


1. electromagnetic pulse (Atlantis S3x06) 可能方法
2. manipulated base code (Atlantis S3x05)
3. time-dilation field (SG1)
4. Replicator Disruptor (SG1)




象山事件 懶人包
