
目前顯示的是 6月, 2007的文章

Stargate-Atlantis Season 1- Rising

我來囉,Atlanis在開頭還不錯看,還蠻吸引我的。在第三季結束也很棒在之前我的文章有介紹囉。至少頭尾都沒馬虎。 內容簡介 Several million years ago, the continent of Antarctica has become covered in ice. Their lies the great city of the Ancients, Atlantis -- but no longer. One Ancient bids a solemn farewell to another, who will stay behind. The great city lifts off the surface and flies away like a great ship, leaving behind only a small outpost and the woman, who scientists will discover frozen in the ice millions of years later, and name "Ayiana" ("Frozen").In the present day, an international expedition has been set up on the same site to study the outpost of the Ancients and the technology therein. It is headed by Dr. Elizabeth Weir, recently transferred from Stargate Command. Also present are Canadian astrophysicist Rodney McKay, Scottish medical doctor Carson Beckett, British scientist Peter Grodin, and many others. Dr. Daniel Jackson is also there, and eagerly reports his findings to Weir and McKay: He's found a S...


其實很好奇的事,在星際之門都會出現replicator的單元劇,都會造成不小的影響,不管在Stargate-SG1或是Stargate-Atlantis都是如此。所以,就針對Replicators做整理。 在Stargate-Atlantis比較震撼性的發展就是在第三季的 Progeny (Sx305)。 內容概述: In the Atlantis control room, Dr. Weir and Colonel Sheppard observe a M.A.L.P transmission through an open wormhole. The probe has been sent to a world recently discovered in an off-world database. Someone speaks into the camera warning them to stay away if they are up to no good -- or to come as friends.Eager to trade with a seemingly advanced civilization, Dr. Weir decides that it is appropriate for her to join the away mission and gears up. Once through, the team find themselves in an exact duplicate of the Atlantis Gate room. Turning, they look through the Stargate to see, not a stained glass wall, but a lengthy corridor connecting to an endless city. Intrigued, they wait until approached by a man, Niam. He invites them to come and meet the leader. Oberoth is unimpressed and haughty. An offer of trade and a possible alliance...

Stargate-Atlantis Season 3- First Strike

內容簡介: Col. Abraham Ellis, commander of the new Earth ship Apollo, barrels into Atlantis on a single-minded mission. Intel indicates that the Asuran Replicators have been building an armada of ships to attack Earth, so Ellis's orders are to launch a massive pre-emptive nuclear strike against them. Disregarding Dr. Weir's serious doubts, Ellis attacks Asuras, leaving the Replicators' homeworld a smoking ruin. But Weir was right to be concerned. The Replicators haven't been destroyed, only provoked. They retaliate against Atlantis with an insidious weapon: a stargate mounted on an automated craft that flies it into orbit over the city. Once in position, the stargate activates, and the Asurans send through a devastating energy beam. Not only will the beam soon rip apart Atlantis's shield, but also, because the orbital stargate is in continual operation, Atlantis's own 'gate is useless. The team is trapped. It's just enough time for McKay and Sheppard to conc...

A Dog's Breakfast- The latest news

Have yourself 'A Dog's Breakfast' Saturday - June 23, 2007 by Darren Sumner The long-awaited DVD release of David Hewlett's darkly hilarious independent film "A Dog's Breakfast" has finally been announced! The movie will be available in North America (Region 1) on September 18, 2007 -- coincidentally the same day as Stargate Atlantis's third season -- and is currently busting up the pre-order charts at Amazon.com .Hewlett plays Dr. Rodney McKay on Atlantis, and wrote, directed, and starred in the film.Co-starring in the film are Hewlett's real-life sister Kate Hewlett ( "Jeannie Miller" on Stargate Atlantis) and actor Paul McGillion ( "Carson Beckett" ). Rachel Luttrell ( "Teyla Emmagan" ) and Christopher Judge ( "Teal'c" ) also make appearances."A Dog's Breakfast" tells the story of a man -- and his dog -- who decides to bump off his sister's new fiance after they announce their e...

Ark of Truth will be released in 2008

Sunday - June 24, 2007 by Darren Sumner The first Stargate direct-to-DVD movie won't arrive until the first half of 2008, Twentieth Century Fox tells GateWorld. MGM originally hoped to have Stargate: The Ark of Truth out this fall.The visual effects-heavy film is currently in post-production.The Ark of Truth will wrap up the two-year Ori story arc, which was left unresolved when SG-1 finished its tenth and final season on television this month.The second direct-to-DVD movie, Stargate: Continuum, has likewise been bumped to 2008, following The Ark of Truth. Principal photography on the second movie recently concluded in Vancouver.Murmurs of additional movies are already being discussed. If the first two are successful, MGM hopes to release about two SG-1 movies per year. "There is already talk of doing some more of these SG-1 movies," actor Michael Shanks recently wrote in his TV Guide blog, "so keep your finger's crossed."With Stargate's traditional pr...

星際之門出現過的spaceship Part II

1) Daedalus class battlecruiser 整體簡介: Fighters: F-302s Armaments: RailgunsNuclear ordnanceEnergy weapons (Odyssey) Defences: Asgard Shields Trinium HullCloaking device (Odyssey) Propulsion: Asgard Hyperdrive Sublight Engines Power: Naqahdah Generators Zero Point Module (Odyssey) Asgard power core (Odyssey) The Daedalus class is the second-generation of Earth's battlecruisers, designed to combat enemy ships, for example the Goa'uld Ha'tak class motherships. It succeeded the Prometheus as the main ship operated by the United States military and its allies. Four Daedalus have been built and three are in active service, including the USS Daedalus, the USS Odyssey and the USS Apollo. The Russian Air Force-operated Korolev is destroyed during the Battle of P3Y-229. The Daedalus class has a hangar bay on either side, but all the F-302s are in the starboard hangar. The Daedalus is capable of carrying up to 16 F-302s, but so far its only been seen carrying eight so that...

星際之門出現過的spaceship Part I

我就整理一下在星際之門出現過的太空船(spaceship),我盡量把我記得的太空船給記錄下來 1) Ancient City Ship 結構 Auxiliary craft: Puddle Jumpers Armaments: Drone Weapons Defences: Ancient city shield Propulsion: Ancient Hyperdrive Power: 3 ZPMs PS* The city can be rendered invisible by linking the cloaking device of a Puddle Jumper to the shield generators. As a last resort, the enormous city can be submerged into an ocean, protected by its energy shield and attached to the ocean floor with an intricate clamping system. 其他版本的 Ancient city ship a) Atlantis Atlantis was the capital of the Ancient empire in the Pegasus galaxy. The City was once located on Earth in what is now Antarctica. Several million years ago many of the Ancients who inhabited Earth at that time relocated the giant city to the Pegasus Galaxy. After years of being under siege by Wraith ships in orbit, the Atlantis inhabitants abandoned the city, traveling back to Earth via the Stargate. The city was submerged in the ocean and was left li...

Zero Point Module (ZPM)

在這就分享一下ZPM這東西的介紹,一定有很多人都需要知道這項神秘的東西。 Summary A Zero Point Module (abbreviated ZPM) is an immensely strong and very long-lived energy source capable of powering entire cities and intergalactic spacecraft. The ZPM was invented by the Ancients, and units have been found both on Earth and in the Pegasus galaxy. In Pegasus, finding non-depleted ZPM's is so important that there is a standing order for the members of the Atlantis expedition to retrieve them whenever possible. Having a ZPM in Atlantis means the difference between survival and defeat, and between isolation and the ability to travel home to Earth. Quantum Mechanics Primer Zero Point Modules are so named because they use zero point energy. Zero point energy is present in all quantum mechanical systems (i.e. everything that uses energy and converts it to entropy). Zero point energy is the lowest amount of energy that such a quantum mechanical system can have. It is also commonly referred to as vacuum energy and remains when al...


※ [本文轉錄自 PttHistory 看板] 作者: FackPtt (怕太太) 看板: PttHistory 標題: [事件] 奶油美洲師姐姐吃西點麵包 時間: Wed Jun 6 20:27:51 2007 事件:奶油美洲師姐姐吃西點麵包 時間(西元):2007 地點/看板:HATE 八卦 2007 5/30 02:21 新聞記者" 李光儀 報導"來台訪問西點生爆性醜聞" 03:18 聯合報記者" 李光儀 以聯合報名義發布"來台訪問西點生爆性醜聞" 03:18 聯合報記者" 李光儀 報導" 陸官招待西點 每次都很亂 "


SG-1 主題曲 (第一季首集) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB_2jhcl-3s (第一季) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwvndPmx9cM (第七季) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIhCcxPT0oQ (第九季下半年....電腦動畫門真沒質感) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3ID9mPN6hM (第十季) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1NSj053EQA


Conceptual origin The basic notion of the Stargate concept is to have at least two mechanical devices (Stargates) in two distant positions, such that, when active, the rings of each become similar to a physical, singular gateway or door-frame between the two locations. This is achieved by the creation of a stable wormhole between the gates. The idea of a "portal" for travelers has been seen often throughout the history of both fantasy and science fiction, often taking a similar form, a device or magical object shaped as a regular or irregular closed geometric form filled with a water-like, rippling puddle that represents the boundary point between the two locations. The Stargate picks up heavily on this conception, emphasizing the "watery puddle" for the sake of an alien mystique. The developers of the concept have also made some attempt to explain how Stargates work in terms of soft science fiction. Their explanations are based heavily in theoretical astroph...

[雜記] 關於今年新竹軍機空難(5371)的事

今年2007年05月11日發生空難 但是這件事件竟然跟一位老外扯上關係、原因是他那時候有拍到空難前的照片,但是這也意外的讓他在PTT上紅了。 1)這是一開始他的部落格提到,他目睹空難。他感到難過 "I was on the roof of my home, shooting photographs. I took a series of photos of this very aircraft that was flying at very low altitude. In fact, my instincts told me that it must have crashed but I didn't hear or see anything to indicate that it had." "I also want to give my personal take on the incident. I saw the jet in its final moments. The pilots had time to eject. They chose not to. Instead, they flew their aircraft into the ground on the base, thus sparing countless hundreds of lives in the crowded Hukou area that would have been lost in the crash and subsequent explosion. When I look at the photos of 5371, I see 2 heroes in the cockpit...." sted by MJ Klein at 5/11/2007 01:32:00 Links to this post 2)之後他配合軍方調查調查 Posted by MJ Klein at 5/13/2007 07:49:00 PM Links to this post 3)和公佈了失事前13秒的照片 5371 The First Photo Posted by MJ Klein at...

星際之門(Stargate-SG1) 的神

看這部影集,會出現很多的神。但是你仔細的注意,你會發現這些神怎麼跟地球上的某些神名字很像。我個人覺得SG1是要把跟地球上的傳說故事給連結,會給我們很熟悉感,進而有想了解的衝動。在 http://bbs.sger.net/index.php 裡有網友將這資訊給整理,我就將它貼在我部落格裡給大家了解。畢竟,到現在2007她已經拍了10季了,我看到現在很多東西都會搞混,實在太多了。這樣就可以知道SG1到底在對付什麼東西。 埃及九柱天神: 埃及人認為世界的原初是一片茫茫的大海,或成為聖水,聖水神叫努(Nu),神在水中產生(Goa'uld)。這一觀念的產生遠在拉(Ra)神成為至高無上神之前。有一種觀念認為最初在水中產生的事物都是甲蟲形或者蛇形。甲蟲神科荷普拉是埃及現存的神靈中最古老的神靈。這是一種比拉神要早得多的觀念,這種古老的觀念後被其他觀念所代替,拉神成為全埃及範圍的太陽神,有幾種關於他的出生的故事:聖水努中生出一朵荷花,太陽神拉就在荷花中孕育。 埃及神話分:1.哈爾莫普里斯神話2.哈里歐普里斯神話3.孟斐士神話,這三大系統,因時間和空間的不同,會有一些矛盾之處。


電影版星際之門 劇情介紹 考古學者丹尼爾·傑克遜博士(Daniel Jackson)對古埃及象形文字頗有研究,對於古埃及金字塔是誰建造的也有他的一套道理,但是很多人對他的觀點不屑一顧。為了尋找有力的證據,丹尼爾答應給某考古研究項目當翻譯,他只用十四天就解決了別人花兩年也無法解決的問題。為了尋找答案,丹尼爾毅然決定和政府派遣的以傑克·歐尼爾(JackO'Neill)上校為首的軍方小分隊一起通過兩個世界的互通之門進入星際之門(StarGate)的另一邊。臨行之前,凱瑟琳將小時候在星際之門撿到的一條“雷之眼”掛鍊交給丹尼爾,告訴他掛鍊會給他帶來好運。Daniel與小分隊通過星際之門來到一個神話的世界,但是沒有發現任何文字,他們想方設法與當地的採礦人交流。當地的人們看到Daniel脖子上掛的“雷之眼”掛鍊,全體向他跪拜,原來這掛鍊是神的象徵。

A Dog's Breakfast

大家好,有看我的blog的同好, 是Stargate的影迷都知道,這部電影是經由 David Hewlett 寫的和執導。我是很期待它趕快出DVD,實在想知道這電影的內容。 A Dog's Breakfast - The trailer 在IMDB的網址: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0796314/ 官網: http://www.adogsbreakfastmovie.com/


請用力點我 沒想到有人做出來了,是真的 希望大家買之前多想想