
目前顯示的是 11月, 2007的文章


Man Utd 2 - 1 Sporting Lisbon Tevez 61'/ Ronaldo 90+2'/ 曼聯(4-3-3): 29-庫什恰克/ 22-奧謝,15-維迪奇,5-費迪南德(隊長),,3-埃夫拉/ 24-弗萊徹,16-卡裡克,8-安德森/ 7-C.羅納爾多,9-薩哈,17-納尼 (替補席:1-范德薩,4-哈格裡夫斯,6-布朗,11-吉格斯,19-皮克,25-辛普森, 32-特維斯)。    里斯本競技(4-3-1-2): 1-帕特裡西奧/ 78-阿貝爾,13-托內爾,4-波爾加,3-哈德/ 28-穆蒂尼奧(隊長),24-維洛索,7-伊茲邁洛夫/ 30-羅馬尼奧利/ 9-普羅維奇,31-列德松 (替補席:16-蒂亞戈,6-安德裡恩-席爾瓦,10-烏克維奇,21-法爾內魯德, 25-佩雷利尼亞,26-格拉德斯通,58-派斯)。 News report: http://www.manutd.com/default.sps?pagegid=%7BB4CEE8FA%2D9A47%2D47BC%2DB069%2D3F7A2F35DB70%7D&newsid=511023 意外的插曲 http://www.d1g.com/video/show/1564892 (小田鼠)


我這禮拜回家,看到家裡電腦裡面有這部日劇 就隨手看看 感覺還不錯看 大家可以體會看看 還有一點就是有幾集請正妹演員露身材 科科!!!!!!! 實在是太正點了 這裡面女演員都很不錯看 劇 名: ガリレオ 電視台:富士電視CX 分 類: 警察/刑事 推理/懸疑 文學/小說改編 演 員: 湯川学/ 福山 雅治   内海薫/ 柴咲コウ(柴崎幸)   草薙俊平/ 北村 一輝   弓削志郎/品川祐  村瀬健介/林剛史  小淵沢隆史/福井博章  森英太/伊藤隆大  渡辺美雪/高山都  谷口紗江子/葵  栗林宏美/ 渡辺いっけい(渡邊いっけい)   真矢 みき 順邊再推 "圈套" 哈哈

Bolton 1 United 0 (2007/11/24)

昨天沒看,真是意外竟然輸了 好傷心,昨天想看但是網路電視沒撥 大概是沒找到連結 Bolton 1 - 0 Man Utd Anelka 11' 博爾頓出場陣容(4-5-1): 22-亞斯克萊寧; 31-奧布萊恩,5-梅特,2-亨特,11-加德納; 17-古瑟裡(75',10-維赫姆森),4-諾蘭(84',19-麥卡恩),8-坎波,14-凱文.戴維斯 (70',6-斯皮德),21-迪烏夫; 39-阿內爾卡 曼聯出場陣容(4-4-2): 1-范德薩; 6-布朗(88',22-奧謝),19-皮克(59',8-安德森),5-費迪南德,3-埃弗拉; 4-哈格裡夫斯,16-卡裡克,17-納尼,11-吉格斯; 32-特維斯,9-薩哈 Good news for MU: Wayne Rooney could return for United as soon as Monday week Reds midfielder Ji-sung Park could be back in action by the end of December as he continues his excellent rehabilitation work

Red Rag to a Bull

喜歡流言終結者的看過來 這次的流言真是有趣 所以我昨天看完等不急就來寫這文章 希望大家都能知道這份資訊 Episode 82: "Red Rag to a Bull" 這是在電影中大家都知道的事情,公牛對於紅色的旗子有興趣,會去撞它。但是,這是真的嗎?還是電影的宣傳花招誤傳。 The color red can infuriate a bull and make them charge. busted 其實不會的,她們用三種不同顏色(紅、白、藍)的旗子分別去測試他的反應。第一種狀況是三種顏色旗子靜止掛在繩子上,一開始用紅色測試,之後在掛上藍色、最後是白色。她們發現這些騎子都會激怒公牛。第二種是遙控旗子滑動,結果也是一樣。第三種是三種顏色同時掛上移動,會發現一樣。最後是,用模型人穿上三種顏色旗子的衣服,也是會被公牛撞。但是有趣的發現是,公牛對於靜子的人不感興趣,不容易被激怒。 A bull can completely destroy shelves full of china. busted 當然不感興趣,哈哈。這俚語大概不會想用的吧 An oven door can stop bullets. busted Bullets can explode with lethal force if they are stored inside a hot oven. busted A gun can fire a bullet with lethal force if stored inside a hot oven . confirmed 從以上發現,用槍打出去的子彈(.38 caliber rounds, .357 magnum rounds, and shotgun shells)可以射穿烤箱,只有.22 caliber pistol rounds 無法射穿;但是如果只是放子彈在烤箱裡加溫是無殺傷力。如果,把鑲子彈的槍放進去烤箱加溫室有殺傷力。 Bullets thrown into an open fire can explode with lethal force. busted Aerosol cans placed in an open fire can explode with lethal force. busted A beer ke...

ウサビッチ(監獄兔) 簡介

大家好, 我看到一部有趣的動漫叫做 ウサビッチ (暫譯監獄兔,Usavich) 非常好笑的劇情和人物 短短三四分鐘就鬥你歡樂 背景故事: 最近 ウサビッチ (台灣網路翻為''監獄兔'')可以說是紅遍整個亞洲網路阿!!這個由日本動畫大師富剛聰監督的爆笑CG動畫,是日本MTV台委製的動畫,推出後果然紅透半邊天!連週邊商品都開始在日本出現了,先來了解一下他的故事背景吧!! 故事背景是在俄羅斯的監獄。綠條紋衣服,編號541,耳朵綁起來的兔子名叫普京,紅條紋衣服,編號04,耳朵上插一支迴紋針的叫基連年科,青蛙叫做列寧格勒,還有人妖小雞叫做科曼尼奇。普京因為蹺班一天,被指為是資本主義份子,所以得坐牢三年。而基連年科則是死刑犯,原本是黑手黨老大而且是雙胞胎,結果因為被同夥背叛給炸成碎片,結果把兩個拼成一個,所以身上才會有接縫的痕跡,嗜好是收集鞋子,所以常常在看介紹鞋子的雜誌,非常痛恨打擾他的人。人妖小雞科曼尼奇的興趣是被欺負,意思就是說他(她)有被虐狂啦(笑),而囚門叫做''看守科夫'',處刑的那扇門叫做Showcasky,強制勞動的叫做Roudov,付錢的叫做Zenirov。科曼尼奇的人妖媽媽(爸爸),是因為聞到兒子(女兒)的體臭味才找到監獄來的。而列寧格勒的媽媽,叫做沙拉波娃,也是聽到兒子的叫聲才找到監獄這。每個角色個性鮮明,加上動畫精緻流暢,創意跟笑點十足,絕對是2007年最受歡迎的CG動畫!!

Vancouver Airport Taser Death-RCMP kill Mr. Dziekanski!

I could't believe that that man was killed by Taser.... We should respect this accident and RIP hime...

Arsenal vs. ManU (2007/11/03)

Manchester United (4-4-2) Van der Sar Brown Ferdinand Vidic Evra Ronaldo Anderson Hargreaves Giggs Rooney Tevez Arsenal (4-5-1) Almunia Sagna Gallas Toure Clichy Rosicky Flamini Hleb Fabregas Eboue Adebayor Arsenal 2 - 2 Man Utd Fabregas 48' / Gallas (og) 45' Gallas 90' / Ronaldo 82' Yellow Cards Francesc Fabregas (40) Patrice Evra (16) Owen Hargreaves (26) Substitutions T Walcott for E Eboue (74) J O'Shea for W Brown (71)D Eduardo for T Rosicky (80) L Saha for C Tevez (76Gilberto Silva for A Hleb (80) M Carrick for O Anderson (76) Statistics Arsenal(26 points) Manchester united(26 points) Manchester city(22 points) Report: The Gunners’ captain struck two minutes into injury time to earn Arsene Wenger’s side a 2-2 draw after the Reds had twice taken the lead in a pulsating match. United went in front on the stroke of half-time when Gallas turned in Wayne Roo...

光禿禿.皺巴巴 世界最醜的貓

貓咪給人的印象向來都是可愛的,但是這隻堪稱是世界最醜的貓,光禿禿且全身皺紋的身軀,加上一雙大耳朵,讓人看了毛骨悚然。原來牠是產自加拿大的無毛貓(Sphynx),外表醜陋的牠,可是非常順從且平易近人,並且擁有高度忍耐力,可適應任何環境。 看完之後...... 真是恐怖阿...真是怪物

It's official: Dodgers hire Torre

11/01/2007 11:17 PM ET Ex-Yankees skipper brought in to replace Little in LA By Ken Gurnick / MLB.com LOS ANGELES -- The Dodgers made it official on Thursday, hiring future Hall of Fame manager Joe Torre to replace Grady Little, who resigned on Tuesday. Why Joe Torre? "Why not Joe Torre?" replied general manager Ned Colletti. "Joe Torre comes with a great resume. What he's done the last 12 years is as powerful as any manager in recent memory. Not only the won-loss record, the championships, how his teams have played, his effect on a community the size of New York, the way he embraces the job, the way the players respond to him, the success they have. It's tough to find any cracks in the foundation with that." OK, Colletti initially pursued Joe Girardi when he realized that a burned-out Little had doubts about returning for 2008. But when Girardi chose instead to replace Torre with the Yankees, it was no surprise that Colletti, a general manager who treasures...